0CTF 2024 - ZKPQC1

Big thank you to Team 0ops for hosting this event and writing these great challenges!

During the competition I spent around 14 hours on this challenge, split between 12 hours on the first day, and 2 hours on the second. Ultimately, the solution hinged on a neat bit of isogeny trivia which I found quite interesting.


This challenge takes place over the following SIDH parameters

a=49b=36p=2a3b1Fp2=Fp(x2+1)=Fp[i].\begin{aligned} a &= 49\\ b &= 36\\ p &= 2^a \cdot 3^b - 1 \\ \mathbb{F}_{p^2} &= \frac{\mathbb{F}_{p}}{(x^2 + 1)} = \mathbb{F}_p[i]. \end{aligned}

The starting curve is E0:y2=x3+6x2+xE_0: y^2 = x^3 + 6x^2 + x.

import signal
from hashlib import sha256
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
from secret import FLAG

def _handle_timeout(signum, frame):
    raise TimeoutError('function timeout')


# Base field
a = 49
b = 36
p = 2**a * 3**b - 1

def get_canonical_basis(E, l, e):
    assert (p+1) % l^e == 0
    P = E(0)
    while (l^(e-1))*P == 0:
        P = ((p+1) // l^e) * E.random_point()
    Q = P
    while P.weil_pairing(Q, l^e)^(l^(e-1)) == 1:
        Q = ((p+1) // l^e) * E.random_point()
    return P, Q

def gen_torsion_points(E):
    Pa, Qa = get_canonical_basis(E, 2, a)
    Pb, Qb = get_canonical_basis(E, 3, b)
    return Pa, Qa, Pb, Qb

def hash_function(J):
    return (bytes_to_long(sha256(str(J[0]).encode()).digest()) // 2 * 2 + 1)  % 2^a, \
        (bytes_to_long(sha256(str(J[1]).encode()).digest()) // 2 * 2 + 1) % 2^a

def get_Fp2(i):
    return int(input()) + int(input())*i

def get_ECC_and_points():
    Ea4 = get_Fp2(i)
    Ea6 = get_Fp2(i)
    Ea = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0, 6, 0, Ea4, Ea6])
    P = Ea(get_Fp2(i), get_Fp2(i))
    Q = Ea(get_Fp2(i), get_Fp2(i))
    return Ea, P, Q

class ZKP:

    def __init__(self, E, kernel):
        self.P0, self.Q0 = get_canonical_basis(E, 3, b)
        self.E0 = E
        self.chall_lst = []
        self.CHALL_NUM = 16
        self.kernel = kernel
        self.ker_phi = self.E0.isogeny(self.kernel, algorithm="factored")
        print(f"{self.P0 = }")
        print(f"{self.Q0 = }")

    def _commit(self):
        print("Give me E2:")
        E2a4 = get_Fp2(i)
        E2a6 = get_Fp2(i)
        self.E2 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0, 6, 0, E2a4, E2a6])

        self.P2, self.Q2 = get_canonical_basis(self.E2, 3, b)
        print(f"{self.P2 = }")
        print(f"{self.Q2 = }")

        self.E3, self.P3, self.Q3 = get_ECC_and_points()
        assert self.E3.is_supersingular()

    def _challenge(self, c=None):
        if c is None:
            self.chall = randint(0,1)
            self.chall = c
        print(f"chall = {self.chall}")

    def _verify(self):
        print("Your response:")

        if self.chall:
            Kphi_ = self.E2(get_Fp2(i), get_Fp2(i))
            assert 2^a * self.E2(Kphi_) == self.E2(0)
            phi_ = self.E2.isogeny(Kphi_, algorithm="factored")
            assert self.E3.j_invariant() == phi_.codomain().j_invariant()
            assert phi_(self.P2) == self.P3 and phi_(self.Q2) == self.Q3
            resp = input()
            sigma, delta = [int(_) for _ in resp.split(",")]
            Kbar_psi = sigma * self.P2 + delta * self.Q2
            Kbar_psi_ = sigma * self.P3 + delta * self.Q3
            assert 3^b * Kbar_psi == self.E2(0) and 3^b * Kbar_psi_ == self.E3(0)
            E0_ = self.E2.isogeny(Kbar_psi, algorithm="factored").codomain()
            E1_ = self.E3.isogeny(Kbar_psi_, algorithm="factored").codomain()
            assert E0.j_invariant() == E0_.j_invariant() and EA.j_invariant() == E1_.j_invariant()
            assert self.ker_phi.codomain().j_invariant() == E1_.j_invariant()
        return True

    def run(self):
        self.chall_lst = [randint(0,1) for _ in range(self.CHALL_NUM)]
        while sum(self.chall_lst) == 0 or sum(self.chall_lst) == self.CHALL_NUM:
            self.chall_lst = [randint(0, 1) for _ in range(self.CHALL_NUM)]

        for _ in range(self.CHALL_NUM):
            print(f"Now, for the {_} round of PoK:")
            if not self._verify():
                return False
        return True

timeout = 90
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, _handle_timeout)

Fpx = PolynomialRing(GF(p), "x")
x = Fpx.gen()
Fp2.<i> = GF(p**2, modulus=[1,0,1])

E0 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0, 6, 0, 1, 0])

Pa,Qa,Pb,Qb = gen_torsion_points(E0)
print(f"Pa = {Pa}")
print(f"Qa = {Qa}")
print(f"Pb = {Pb}")
print(f"Qb = {Qb}")

Ea, phiPb, phiQb = get_ECC_and_points()
assert Ea.is_supersingular()

Sb = randint(0, 3^b-1)
Tb = randint(0, 3^b-1)
R = Sb * Pb + Tb * Qb
psi = E0.isogeny(R, algorithm="factored")
Eb, psiPa, psiQa = psi.codomain(), psi(Pa), psi(Qa)
print(f"psiPa = {psiPa}")
print(f"psiQa = {psiQa}")

J = Ea.isogeny(Sb * phiPb + Tb * phiQb, algorithm="factored").codomain().j_invariant()
Sa, Ta = hash_function(J)
EA = E0.isogeny(Sa * Pa + Ta * Qa, algorithm="factored").codomain()

s = set()
for _ in range(FAKE_NUM):
    print("Give me your share: ")

    kernel = E0(get_Fp2(i), get_Fp2(i))
    assert 2^a * kernel == E0(0) and 2^(a-2) * kernel != E0(0)
    zkp = ZKP(E0, kernel)

    if all(kernel.weil_pairing(PP, 2^a) != 1 for PP in s) and zkp.run():
        print("Good Job!")
        print("Out, you are cheating!")

if len(s) == FAKE_NUM:
    print("You are a master of isogeny and ZKP.")

In the first part of the challenge, we are asked to perform a SIDH key exchange with the server in order to derive a shared jj-invariant JJ. Since we don't care about the secrecy of this exchange, we can perform this exchange somewhat half-heartedly as long as we arrive at the same jj-invariant as the server. So for our "secret" isogeny, we will choose φ=id\varphi = \mathrm{id} and send the parameters

Ea=E0, φ(Pb)=Pb, φ(Qb)=Qb. E_a = E_0, \;\varphi(P_b) = P_b, \;\varphi(Q_b) = Q_b.

The server will then derive the shared curve

Ea[sb]φ(Pb)+[tb]φ(Qb)=E0[sb]Pb+[tb]Qb=Eb, \frac{E_a}{\langle [s_b]\varphi(P_b) + [t_b]\varphi(Q_b) \rangle} = \frac{E_0}{\langle [s_b]P_b + [t_b]Q_b \rangle} = E_b,

which is known to us, and from there we can derived the shared jj-invariant as J=j(Eb)J = j(E_b).

Since we know the jj-invariant JJ, then we also know the secret scalars sa,tas_a, t_a and from that the 2a2^a-isogeny Φ:E0EAE0/[sa]Pa+[ta]Qa\Phi: E_0 \longrightarrow E_A \cong E_0/\langle [s_a]P_a + [t_a]Q_a \rangle.

After the key exchange, the server will then ask us to prove knowledge of Φ\Phi three times, using the SIDH-sign proof of knowledge. Since we already know Φ\Phi this is not too difficult, as we can just follow the protocol as an honest prover. Moreover since we don't care about the zero-knowledge component of the proof (the server already knows our isogeny), we can choose E2=E0E_2 = E_0, E3=EAE_3 = E_A as our commitment to greatly simplify the proof.

Completing the proof three times will give us a flag, so the only problem remaining is a set of two checks we must pass prior to the ZKP starting.

s = set()
for _ in range(FAKE_NUM): print("Give me your share: ")
    kernel = E0(get_Fp2(i), get_Fp2(i))
    assert 2^a * kernel == E0(0) and 2^(a-2) * kernel != E0(0)
    zkp = ZKP(E0, kernel)

    if all(kernel.weil_pairing(PP, 2^a) != 1 for PP in s) and zkp.run():
        print("Good Job!")
        print("Out, you are cheating!")

At the beginning of each ZKP iteration, we are asked to supply a kernel point which will generate an isogeny from E0E_0 to EAE_A. The checks above require us to submit three distinct kernel points. Moreover the condition

if all(kernel.weil_pairing(PP, 2^a) != 1 for PP in s) and zkp.run():

requires that the three kernel points be linearly independent. This means that we must find three distinct paths through the 2-isogeny graph from E0E_0 to EAE_A.

In general, this problem is quite hard, and for the references in the literature which I could find, the methods essentially boiled down to a brute force search through the isogeny graph.

Luckily, our initial curve E0E_0 is an easy special case of this problem as it is adjacent to the curve E:y2=x3+xE: y^2 = x^3 + x of jj-invariant 17281728. The curve EE is special as its only 2-isogenous neighbours are E0E_0 and EE itself, whereas other curves usually have three 2-isogenous neighbours generated by the linear combinations P,QP, Q and P+QP + Q of a 2-torsion basis (P,Q)(P, Q) respectively.


Using the notations in the above diagram, this means that any isogeny from E0E_0 to EAE_A which factors through EE must necessarily return to E0E_0 via one of either φ1\varphi_1 or φ2\varphi_2 before continuing onto EAE_A. For example, a possible sequence starting from E0E_0 could be

φ1^φ3φ2ϕ1 \hat{\varphi_1} \rightarrow \varphi_3 \rightarrow \varphi_2 \rightarrow \phi_1 \rightarrow \ldots

From this sequence, we can obtain two other distinct isogenies from E0E_0 to EAE_A by altering the return isogeny from EE to E0E_0, or by cutting out the traversal to EE entirely.

φ1^φ3φ2ϕ1φ1^φ3φ1ϕ1ϕ1\begin{aligned} \hat{\varphi_1} \rightarrow \varphi_3 &\rightarrow \varphi_2 \rightarrow \phi_1 \rightarrow \ldots\\ \hat{\varphi_1} \rightarrow \varphi_3 &\rightarrow \varphi_1 \rightarrow \phi_1 \rightarrow \ldots\\ &\phi_1 \rightarrow \ldots\\ \end{aligned}

Note that cutting out the traversal to EE reduces the degree of the isogeny by 2 to the power of the number of isogenes we truncated. This is important as we must ensure our isogeny's degree remains above 2a22^{a-2} in order to pass the check

kernel = E0(get_Fp2(i), get_Fp2(i))
assert 2^a * kernel == E0(0) and 2^(a-2) * kernel != E0(0)

Since Φ\Phi has degree 2a2^a, then in any truncation that we do, we must ensure we do not remove more than 2 isogenies from the path. In practice, this means that we can only perform the truncation if our initial isogeny does not pass through the automorphism φ3:EE\varphi_3: E \rightarrow E in the diagram above.

Luckily, the favourable situation is still quite common, as we have a 1/31/3 chance for Φ\Phi to pass through EE, and a 2/32/3 chance for Φ\Phi not to traverse through φ3\varphi_3. Since every time we connect to the server we get a new isogeny, this gives us a small bruteforce on the remote which succeeds with probability 2/92/9.

Solve script

Below is an implementation of the solve in SageMath

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

context.log_level = "debug"

from hashlib import sha256
from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
import itertools


# Base field
a = 49
b = 36
p = 2**a * 3**b - 1

def get_canonical_basis(E, l, e):
    assert (p + 1) % l ^ e == 0
    P = E(0)
    while (l ^ (e - 1)) * P == 0:
        P = ((p + 1) // l ^ e) * E.random_point()
    Q = P
    while P.weil_pairing(Q, l ^ e) ^ (l ^ (e - 1)) == 1:
        Q = ((p + 1) // l ^ e) * E.random_point()
    return P, Q

def gen_torsion_points(E):
    Pa, Qa = get_canonical_basis(E, 2, a)
    Pb, Qb = get_canonical_basis(E, 3, b)
    return Pa, Qa, Pb, Qb

def hash_function(J):
    return (bytes_to_long(sha256(str(J[0]).encode()).digest()) // 2 * 2 + 1) % 2 ^ a, (
        bytes_to_long(sha256(str(J[1]).encode()).digest()) // 2 * 2 + 1
    ) % 2 ^ a

Fp2 = GF(p**2, "i", modulus=[1, 0, 1])
i = Fp2.gen(0)

E0 = EllipticCurve(Fp2, [0, 6, 0, 1, 0])
E0.set_order((p + 1) ** 2)

def send_Fp2(conn, x):

def send_ECC_and_points(conn, E0, P, Q):
    send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(E0.a4()))
    send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(E0.a6()))

    # P
    send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(P.x()))
    send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(P.y()))

    # Q
    send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(Q.x()))
    send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(Q.y()))

def parse_ec(line):
    nums = re.findall(r"[0-9]+", line)
    E = EllipticCurve(
        [0, int(nums[2]), 0, int(nums[4]) * i + int(nums[5]), int(nums[6]) * i + int(nums[7])],
    return E

def parse_point(ec, line):
    lines = line.split("=")[-1].replace("(", "").replace(")", "").split(":")
    lines = [line for line in lines if line.strip()]

    return ec(*list(map(eval, lines)))

def eval_point(curve_name, line):
    exec(line.replace(":", ",").replace("(", f"{curve_name}("))

def compose_all(factors):
    curr = factors[0]
    for factor in factors[1:]:
        curr = factor * curr
    return curr

def find_other_edge(factor):
    return replacement

def generate_associates(phi):
    factors = list(phi.factors())
    for j, factor in enumerate(factors):
        source, dest = factor.domain(), factor.codomain()

        if source.j_invariant() == 1728 and dest.j_invariant() == E0.j_invariant():
            yield compose_all([E0.isomorphism_to(dest)] + factors[j + 1 :])
            for forwardedge in source.isogenies_degree(2):
                if forwardedge.codomain().is_isomorphic(dest):
                    yield compose_all(factors[:j] + [forwardedge, forwardedge.codomain().isomorphism_to(dest)] + factors[j + 1 :])

        if source.j_invariant() == 1728 and dest.j_invariant() == 1728:
            yield compose_all(
                factors[:j] + [factors[j - 1].codomain().isomorphism_to(factors[j + 1].domain())] + factors[j + 1 :]

def solve():
    # conn = process(["sage", "task.sage"])
    conn = connect("instance.penguin.0ops.sjtu.cn", 18432)

    # Get SIDH Parameters
    Pa = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline().decode())
    Qa = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline().decode())
    Pb = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline().decode())
    Qb = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline().decode())

    send_ECC_and_points(conn, E0, Pb, Qb)
    Eb = parse_ec(conn.recvline().decode())

    psiPa = parse_point(Eb, conn.recvline().decode())
    psiQa = parse_point(Eb, conn.recvline().decode())
    J = Eb.j_invariant()
    Sa, Ta = hash_function(J)

    phi_A = E0.isogeny(Sa * Pa + Ta * Qa, algorithm="factored")
    EA = phi_A.codomain()
    associates = list(generate_associates(phi_A))
    if not associates:

    kernels = set()

    for ass in associates:
        l, e = factor(ass.degree())[0]
        P, Q = get_canonical_basis(ass.domain(), l, e)
            kernels.add(P + -ass(P).log(ass(Q)) * Q)
        except ValueError:
            kernels.add(Q + -ass(Q).log(ass(P)) * P)
        except ValueError:

    # Remove any invalid associates we overgenerated
    to_remove = set()
    for kernel in kernels:
        if E0.isogeny(kernel, algorithm="factored").codomain().j_invariant() != EA.j_invariant():
        if 2 ^ (a - 2) * kernel == E0(0):
    kernels = kernels - to_remove

    # Find a linearly independent subset
    final = set()
    for perm in itertools.combinations(kernels, r=3):
        s = set()
        for kernel in perm:
            if all(kernel.weil_pairing(PP, 2 ^ a) != 1 for PP in s):
        if len(s) > len(final):
            final = s

    if len(final) < 3:

    # Now we have a set of 3 linearly independent kernels, and can complete the proof.
    for kernel in final:
        # Send kernel
        send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(kernel.x()))
        send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(kernel.y()))
        P0 = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline_startswith(b"self.P0").decode())
        Q0 = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline_startswith(b"self.Q0").decode())

        for _ in range(16):
            # commit
            # E2
            conn.recvuntil(b"Give me E2:")
            send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(E0.a4()))
            send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(E0.a6()))
            P2 = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline_startswith(b"self.P2").decode())
            Q2 = parse_point(E0, conn.recvline_startswith(b"self.Q2").decode())

            # EA
            send_ECC_and_points(conn, EA, phi_A(P2), phi_A(Q2))

            # Chall
            chall = int(conn.recvline_startswith(b"chall = ").split(b"=")[-1].decode())
            if chall:
                # Reveal kernel
                orig_kernel = Sa * Pa + Ta * Qa
                send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(orig_kernel.x()))
                send_Fp2(conn, Fp2(orig_kernel.y()))
                # Send identity isogenies
    return True

def main():
    for _ in range(100):
        solved = solve()
        if solved:

